There's word going around that the United States is looming toward a recession. Even though we won't feel the effects of it for about 6 months, it is coming. How can it not with the way the dollar is dropping, the sky high price of oil, the banks are getting nervous, the stock market is dropping, people are losing their homes, and the United States so far in debt that it is impossible to get out?
I'm starting a list here of some things we are going to do to try to prepare for this... somehow. What did they do during the Great Depression? How did people survive? This is going to take some research. But this is what I have so far. This is my "starter" list. Numero uno is "Get out of debt ASAP."
100 Items to Disappear First - Here is a list of the first things that will disappear off the grocery shelves.
1. Get out of debt ASAP. Right now the best thing to do is diversify. Have one bank for personal checking account and a different bank for savings, yet another for each business account you run. That way a crash doesn't wipe you out.
Obviously, this is a great time to only keep in the bank what you need to pay such as the current bills, and keep the rest either at home, or converted to gold, silver, or euros. With the dollar plunging as fast as it is, the "straddle" will be gone in just a few days.
Buy seeds. How will you feed yourself without having to trade for food?
Keep your job as long as possible.
4. Buy gold coins and silver coins. If you are going to buy gold or silver coins, avoid "collectible coins" and just go with straight metal. It is easier to get your money back out of investment coins than numismatic ones. Collector's value will decline with the economy, so avoid the fancy ones. Stick with maple leaves, half eagles, krugerands, etc.
5. Think about how you are going to cook.
6. Invest in solar power, or build a windmill We are going to try to build a Vertical Wind Turbine
7. Stock up on nonperishable foods, canned foods, dry milk, sugar, flour, rice and beans.
8. A supply of bottled water.
9. Stock up on personal items. Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, insect repellent, candles.
10. A good axe, a few flints, large amount of matches (dip them in melted candle wax to waterproof) store in a few separate containers, and a few lighters. spade, water purification tablets, duct tape.
11. A pair of strong knives for hunting, cutting, etc. Bow and arrows. A fishing pole.
12. Comfortable warm clothing, including hats, gloves, boots, and blankets.
13. A sturdy tent or two, a few big tarpaulins,
14. Basic medical supplies like aspirin, alcohol, first aid kit.
15. A couple of guns and a good supply of ammo.
16. Two-way radios, short wave radios, watches that don't run on batteries, and an LED flashlight. A map and compass. A bicycle.
Basically, think about this. If the electricity gets shut off, what will you do? How will you cook and how will you keep warm? Think about no gas at the gas station, which will reduce truck delivery of goods and supplies. The price of food is going to go up bigtime.
Our dollar bills will be worthless. Hopefully the collapse of the banking system will cause the government to be forced to print special money for the duration of the recession. We may wind up unemployed and on food stamps.
I hope they are not going to have to dig up all the bomb shelters that they filled in and buried back in the 1960's! Remember those days? I do. I can remember them passing out Government Surplus too after the Cold War ended. It consisted of powdered milk, a block of American Cheese and butter.
So the first thing I'm doing is cleaning out the pantry and taking inventory. Then I bought some storage containers at a Dollar Store. The large container only held about 8 lb. of flour though.
I think the main food that they did not have during the Great Depression was sugar and coffee. So even if you don't use either, you could get them to trade with.
Foods that I've started to stock up on, buying when on sale, and storing in the top shelf of the pantry.
salt, pepper, oil, vinegar
flour, sugar, oatmeal
beans, rice
tea, coffee
dried potatoes, i.e. hamburger helper mixes
mayonnaise, catsup
canned soups
canned meats
canned fruit
canned tuna
dried milk, water
wine, brandy
toothpaste, soap, shampoo
toilet paper, wet wipes
alcohol, peroxide, first aid kit
laundry detergent, bleach
Be encouraged. My grandmother raised 8 children during the depression.
72-Hour Family Emergency Kit from the University of Colorado
Survival Guide from Homeland Security News
Be Ready List on the Homeland Security website - The Ready Campaign has outlined the top 10 items for a basic emergency supply kit: water, food, radio, flashlight, first-aid kit, whistle, moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties, wrench or pliers, local maps, and personal items.
How to Prepare for a Financial Apocalypse: 100 Tips and Tools to Secure What's Yours. These tips and tools will help you weather whatever economic storm comes your way.
---- Here's what my mom said when I asked her if she thought we were heading into a recession, she said, "Oh, they're always saying that." And here's what my daughter said when I told her to get out of debt, she said, "Well, I asked my boss if he thought we were heading toward a recession, and he said, "A recession won't affect the company, people will always need electricity."
----- Hi Jen, it was good talking to you last night. When I talked to Vlad about the Amero, he said that when Russia fell into a recession that their money was switched too. He said that their government announced that people would have 3 days to go to the bank and switch their money to the new currency, and they were only allowed to switch so much.
He also said that he can remember riding on a bus during the winter, and people had stuck the old money on the frosted windows of the bus. He said it sure was strange. The old currency was worth nothing.
So maybe they will do a switch in the states too. He said all we can do is "stay informed"
-----Think positive. So it's pretty much up to you whether or not you prepare for a recession, but even as a Girl Scout, when I was younger, the Girl Scout motto was, "Be Prepared."
----- L. Davis writes: To keep the weevils out of flour, cornmeal, rice, dried beans and spices put some dried bay leaves in the storage container.
My aunt told me there is something in the bay leaves that kills the weevils as they hatch since they're already in so many of the products that we purchase. She came to my house and saw that I stored my flour, cornmeal, etc. in the refrigerator and freezer and told me to get them out of there and stick a bay leaf in the canister and all would be well - I've used this for over 20 years now and haven't had a single problem - except for those times I didn't put a bay leaf in something.
Also, if you do get an infestation sterilize your flour, etc. by pouring the flour (for instance) on a cookie sheet and heating in an oven to 140 degrees, stir while it heats, sift then repackage.
Hope this helps someone.