Grow a Small Garden

This page has information on the different types of gardens we have had. It seems as long as you have a small spot that gets full sunm you can make a small garden.

Our Stepped Garden

Every place we have lived, we have tried to have a small garden. It was kind of hard for us living in Connecticut, but we wound up building a stepped garden there. The only place in the yard that got full sun was the front yard.

Small stepped garden

So surely you can find a small area where you can dig a couple rows that gets full sun. Growing a garden is not hard, and after seeing green peppers for $2.65 a pound at the store, I am determined not to have to pay that price.

First South Dakota Garden

When we moved to South Dakota, I was expecting farmers to have signs by the road, or at least some roadside vegetable stands, but gee, there isn't any. Where are all the "Fresh eggs" signs? This is a mystery to me.

It turns out most residents go visit the Hutterrite Colonies to get their vegetables.

Our 2 row garden

Well anyway, last summer after we moved here, we dug 2 rows in the backyard to at least put in some tomatoes and cucumbers, and we had a couple eggplants, green peppers and a watermelon plant.

But then we found out we had bunny rabbits. They loved the watermelon plant, and chewed the stems before the watermelons even matured. Here's the first eggplant we ever grew.

Expanding the Garden

This year, in particularly because the US is looming into a recession, we decided to expand the garden to about 12 rows. We did all the digging in the Spring when the ground thawed, but then it snowed. I started some seeds indoors, but it seems they are not getting enough sun and warmth in the cold Dakotas.