Actually, I think ejuice and eliquid are the same thing. But it sure was confusing trying to find out information about it online. I assumed it was ejuice, and that's what I did searches for, but then I realized Google was pulling up the eliquid websites at the same time. When I went to the ecig forums, they were calling them e-liquids. Not sure why, except maybe the word "juice" makes you think of something you would drink, and you don't want to drink this stuff!
When we bought our Megadeal ecig starter kit, we got the wrong strength of nicotine. It was 18mg and was not strong enough. It seemed like we were vaping all day long just to be satisfied, and wearing out the batteries. The next couple of bottles we bought, we asked for 24mg. 24mg was too high, and covered up the flavors of the e-liquids more.
By the 3rd week, we found ourselves buying some Lorann flavorings, and some unflavored PG and VG (the thick stuff), thinking we could mix our own, or dilute what we already had, but we did not realize the "steep" time. So, now we have a bunch of flavorings and PG/VG that we can mix, but have to wait for 2 weeks before we can use them! That's the bummer. So, most of the premixed ejuices you buy have already been "steeped." After doing research on the Ecig Forum, we figured out there are several venders that carry the flavorings that do well in making your own e-liquids.
Lorann Oils - Lorann Flavoring are very popular, but don't be fooled, they are not oils at all.
The Flavor Apprentice - Are very popular with DIY eliquid makers
Capella Favor Drops - is considered the best to make eliquids
PG: They use PG to make VG thinner. Not sure why they use PG to do this, because you can also use distilled water, or vodka if you want a throat hit. PG usually has the nicotine content in it. Here's where we bought our unflavored PG and we bought a 24mg because when we cut it half and half, it will make it 12mg.
VG: VG is short for Vegetable Glycerin. That sounds pretty healthy doesn't it? VG is REAL thick and sticky. But you need some VG in your DIY eliquid if you want vapor. So, here is where we bought our VG.
So most DIY'ers mix their PG/VG in a ratio, like half and half. That's generally what we do. Half VG and half PG. But some people do 3/4 PG and 1/4 VG, or 70%/30% or an 80%/20% ratio. So, it al depends on each individual how much vapor they want, or the type of PV (personal vaporizer) system they are using.
By the 4th week, this week, we went back to the forums to do more research, and to find out exactly what everyone's "favorite" flavor is: the House Blend from Copper Creek, the Organic Kona Coffee Milkshake E-liquid from VirginVapors, and a hazelnut tobacco called Rou's Natural Toasted Hazelnut Tobacco from We just ordered these, and they needed to be "steeped" before the true flavor emerged.
The thing about the different ejuices is that people's tastebuds are different, so what one person likes, another person might not like. It just depends on what flavor you prefer. I myself like the Caramel Popcorn flavor, and the Rye4, and as a treat, the Blueberry. As far as the PG/VG ratio, it depends on what you are doing with the ejuice. Such as, if you are refilling your cartridges or cartomizers, then you need something thinner, usually a 50%PG/50%VG. But if you are filling a clearomizer for these Ego T's then you need something thicker, more like a 70%VG/30%PG.
Gourmet Vapor is unique because it has user recipes.
Sweet Vapes - are made to order, and need "steep" time.
Tasty Vapor - makes doubles, so you can dilute your eliquids that are too high in nicotine.
The good news: We have a great variety we can play around with and vape.
The bad news: The bad news is, once we make them we have to wait two weeks before we can actually use them.
March 3rd, it will be 2 months since our last real cigarette. They are working out great. But I think I could have easily quit vaping after the first month. Our neighbor did, but now with such a huge supply of e-juices, it's hard to quit. So, don't do what we did and buy a bunch if you are planning on quitting.
Our favorite eliquids this month are: Joye Coffee from lightcigusa; cherry from Johnson Creek; Dekang USA mix from; and the Organic Kona Coffee Milkshake E-liquid from VirginVapors
I would also suggest forgetting about all this mixing and refilling. You practically have to be a chemist, and then you still have "steep" time to deal with. Just get the cartomisers and buy a bottle of e-liquid and keep it simple.